The Plural Civil Society Of The COMESA PLUS Was Constituted On January 10,2020 between the Founding members of these statutes, and between those who will adhere to it subsequently, an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and called "Société Civile Plurielle des Pays du Comesa PLUS" its acronym SCCP / COMESA PLUS.
The Plural Civil Society of Comesa PLUS has set itself the main objective of promoting the South-South partnership with a view to remedying the timid progress in terms of trade at the level of the Comesa countries. In this perspective, we plan to organize once or twice a year an Economic Forum in a member country of Comesa to invite traders from the region and those interested in promoting their products. This initiative will strengthen exchanges, cooperation and allow participating traders to find outlets for their products and also to meet potential partners in their fields of activity. Djibouti, with the largest Free Zone in Africa, will soon be a regional hub where traders from Comesa will come to get supplies.
The Objectives of the Plural Civil Society of the COMESA PLUS Countries are
- Partnership, exchanges &cooperation.
- The creation of companies or joint ventures owned by nationals of COMESA countries with the participation of other people living in other countries provided they respect the basic principles established (win-win) and which remain the very essence of our Social Development Program.
- Put on line the reliable databases of production companies and Made In Africa Products from all these countries (supply and demand) in a website to allow the public to find all the information and partners likely to forge economic relations or commercial.
- The creation of the Pan-African Agency for the Promotion of Made In Africa Products.
- Creation of an Economic Platform for Made In Africa Products at the start then put other products requested by the African public.
- Find Organizations working in the same field of action as yours located in the Countries of Comesa.
- Forge partnership relations with these Organizations to benefit from their experiences or know-how and share your experiences for greater social success.
- The quo database will be set up by the Focal Points will be a great opportunity for people who want to do business or find what they are looking for.
- successful development projects will be replicated in the other Comesa countries.
- Creation of Associations with the same interests at Comesa level to strengthen the partnership.
- Strengthen economic exchanges between the Comesa countries through civil society organizations.
- These are roughly the objectives of the Plural Civil Society of the Countries of Comesa PLUS.