Country Profile

The Republic of Rwanda, is located in the Great Rift Valley where the African Great Lakes region and East Africa converge. It is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Rwanda is highly elevated with its geography dominated by mountains in the west and savanna to the east, with numerous lakes throughout the country. The climate is temperate to subtropical, with two rainy seasons and two dry seasons each year. The economy is based mostly on subsistence agriculture. Coffee and tea are the major cash crops for export. Tourism is a fast-growing sector and is now the country’s leading foreign exchange earner. 


  • Head of State:   H.E. Paul Kagame
  • Capital City:  Kigali
  • Independence Day:  1962-07-01
  • Area/Size of country (km²):  26,338 km2
  • Time Zone:  CAT (UTC+2)
  • Languages:   Kinyarwanda, English, French, Swahili
  • Currency:  Rwandan Francs (Rwf)
  • GDP:   USD 9.509 Billion
  • Government Website link:   http://link
  • Natural Resources:  Methan gaz, cassiterite, wolframite and niobium ï¿

Ministry Responsible for COMESA Affairs 

Soraya Hakuziyaremye 

Minister of Trade and Industry

B. P. 73



Tel: +250-784855445


Permanent Representative to COMESA

   Mr Abel Buhungu

Chargé d’Affaires a.i

Rwanda High Commission

Plot No. 10818

Lake Road, Kabulonga

LUSAKA, Zambia

Tel: +260 961 606 697

Focal Point

Mr. Michel Sebera

COMESA National Contact Point

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM)

Kigali, Rwanda

Tel: +250 3115002  Hotline 3739

Fax: +250252580523 or (+250) 252 580524
